Reflecting on 2020

For so many of us hostel lovers, the meaning of freedom was something we very much took for granted. The freedom to travel, and to explore whenever and wherever. But 2020 took us down a very different path.

As we sit back today and reflect on this past year, we have dealt with many obstacles but ultimately it has taught us many lessons. Our priorities where forced to shift, as suddenly we looked upon travel, and our home in a much more mindful way. 

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Mindfulness can be described as the practice of paying attention in the present moment.”

With the ability to go abroad no longer open to us, we had to look at what we had around us as something valuable. Whereas before we enjoyed flying around to many new ‘homes’, we had to get to love our own space once again. We began to spark joy from the smaller moments, get to love new activities around us, and so now look upon the word ‘travel’ much more differently. 

Today we may no longer desire to simply fly off here and there, instead we now prioritise this valuable freedom, and instead choose to do so much more mindfully. Where before we perhaps didn’t spend as much time at home, this year we’ve been able to build better and stronger relationships with others. Prioritising those moments spent at home, even more. 

Though currently we are temporarily closed, why not get excited for summer, and start planning your escape.


A new year, a new start.


Christmas 2020 at Prime Backpackers